DIY “All-Natural” Massage Oils + Formula’s To Get Started!

As a professional there are 100’s of pre-mixed massage oil blends available that offer a variety of intended effects at your fingertips, but how exciting and fulfilling it is to experience blending your own! Let’s take a look at some of the basic steps involved in creating your own custom massage oil, what oils work well together and recipes for you to try:

Tips for Mixing Essential Oils

Naturally everyone has different likes and dislikes when it comes to aromas of essential oils. Before mixing two or more different oils together, test a drop of each oil on a cotton swab so you can get an idea of what the finished product is going to smell like.

When mixing essential oils, it is important to take your time and don’t rush. Don’t just throw all of the ingredients together and call it done. Instead, mix them together a little bit at a time. Allow your senses to sample the blend as it evolves until you find the perfect combination. Just remember to keep track of how many drops of each oil you used and the order in which you added them so you can replicate the recipe in the future.

Always be careful with your mixtures. Forceful motion such as vigorous shaking can easily damage the delicate organic compounds which give your essential oils their wonderful aromas. Also, avoid exposing your blends to excessive heat or light as this will often change the chemical composition of the oils or cause them to oxidize and spoil faster.

Tip: Remember to leave a little space in the top of the storage bottle when you’ve finished mixing your oil blends. This will allow them to breathe. When handling essential oils, ceramic or glass containers are highly recommended. Plastic is okay, but not long-term. Avoid contact with metals entirely!

Massage Oil Recipes

Now that you know the basic technical aspects and precautions associated with oil blending, it’s time to get creative. Below are some wonderful recipes for you to try and experiment with:

Clarity & Uplifting Blend

Rosemary + Lemon Grass + Lime + Peppermint

Rosemary - 2 - 3 drops, anti-microbial, anti-fungal; also relieves pain, inflammation, and congestion; sharpens the mind.

Lemon Grass - 3 - 4 drops, up-lifting for the mind and body; also used to ease nervous tension.

Lime - 2 - 3 drops, rich and crisp in fragrance, also promotes healthy skin and helps clears the mind.

Peppermint - 2- 3 drops, revitalizing spice stimulates the senses; also aids with digestion and soothes inflammation. Helps with tension head-aches.

Carrier oil – Grapeseed Oil

Emotional well-being & Sensual Blend

Rose + Jasmine + Frankincense + Ylang-Ylang

Rose - 3 - 4 drops, wellness for the mind and body; also used to ease nervous tension.

Jasmine - 2 - 3 drops, warms the body and stimulates the senses.

Frankincense - 2 -4 drops, relieves tension and elevates mood. Excellent oil for anxiety and nervousness.

Ylang -Ylang - 2 - 3 drops, heightens senses, relaxing and mood-elevating.

Carrier oil – Grapeseed oil

Relaxation & Anti-Stress Blend

Mandarin + Lavender + Frankincense + Chamomile

Mandarin - 1 - 2 drops, very relaxing, highly aromatic, feel-good aroma.

Lavender - 2 - 4 drops, helps promotes relaxation; also a powerful anti-inflammatory and natural detoxifier.

Frankincense - 2 - 4 drops, relieves tension and elevates mood. Excellent oil for anxiety and nervousness.

Chamomile - 2 - 3 drops, relaxes; adds depth to the blend’s aroma. Relaxing and soothing.

Carrier oil – Grapeseed Oil

Therapeutic and Pain Relief Blend

Eucalyptus + Lavender + Chamomile + Grapefruit + Rosemary

Eucalyptus - 2 drops, offers strong relief from joint pain, tension, and sore muscles.

Lavender - 2 - 4 drops, promotes relaxation; also a powerful anti-inflammatory and natural detoxifier. Aromatic.

Chamomile - 1 - 2 drops, relieves pain and inflammation, relaxes mind and body.

Grapefruit – 2 – 3 drops, rich in aroma, promotes healthy skin and cell regeneration, clears the mind, and invigorates.

Rosemary - 2 - 3 drops, anti-microbial, anti-fungal; also relieves pain, inflammation, and congestion; sharpens the mind.

Carrier oil – Grapeseed Oil

Massage Oil Precautions

If you are uncertain when blending essential oils, you can perform an allergy test before applying any essential oil blend to any areas of the body. Also, not all allergic reactions are immediate. Wait at least twenty minutes, and then check the test site for redness, itching or swelling.

Many herbal remedies can have a negative impact on pregnancy blends. It it is strongly recommended that pregnant or breast feeding women consult with a professional physician before using essential oils or other herbal remedies.

Most essential oils are not safe for internal use. While many essential oils are extracted from foods, they should never be ingested unless the packaging specifically states that they are safe to use this way.

Remember to always wear sun protection if you must be exposed to sunlight after applying essential oils to your skin. Many of blends have the potential to make skin more sensitive to UV damage.

Where to buy? Visit for a full selection of premium and pure essential oils and massage oils or call 1(800) 446-3751